Louver dampers are essential components of many HVAC systems. As their adjustable metal blades can be opened or closed to control the air flowing through them, they are commonly used in ductwork to regulate fresh air flow into buildings while preventing unwanted drafts and protecting against inclement weather conditions. The dedicated team from Flextech Industries understands the importance of choosing the right type of damper for your specific needs. To aid in your understanding, we have assembled some details on how louver dampers work.
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Louver dampers work in three basic steps: controlling airflow, preventing backflow, and regulating pressure.
Louver dampers control the airflow within a pipeline or ductwork system. This is achieved by adjusting the angle of the blades to their axis, creating more or less space for air to pass through. The degree of blade tilts determines how much air flows through the damper at any given time, making it possible to adjust airflow rates according to specific process requirements.
Airflow reversal can occur when there is negative pressure in the system, causing air to move in the opposite direction than intended. Louver dampers ensure that airflow is restricted from moving backward into a system once it has already left it. They help prevent contaminated air from entering and mixing with clean air in HVAC systems, ensuring indoor air quality remains high. Additionally, they prevent pollutants and other harmful substances from escaping into areas that could cause damage.
By adjusting the angle of the blades within the damper assembly, operators can control how much gas flows through a system at any given time. Controlling how much air enters each zone helps maintain consistent pressure levels throughout the system. Maintaining stable pressure levels is paramount for optimal performance in various industrial processes such as power generation, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
If you want to learn more about Louvre Dampers’ functioning, contact Flextech Industries’ team via our online form. Our knowledgeable professionals can provide customized solutions and address all your queries.